Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wish I Was Here- Review (2014)

I seriously liked this movie. Reviews were really good, but it really was much better than I anticipated. It is filled with love, and conflict, and loss which is all portrait in a perfect combination of comedy and drama. This movie will have you laughing out loud one minute and crying the next. I think it is a beautiful film that was beautifully written and filmed.

At first it's the casual laughs and uh-huh moments that have you laughing, only then to curve ball and hit you with raw emotion. As the emotion builds, one finds themselves helplessly drawn toward the characters and the deeper the film gets the more magnetized everything becomes. from the jokes to emotions to jokes to emotions works extremely well throughout the duration of the film.

This movie is a film like the rest, but unique in its own ways'. It brings happiness, family, and death into one unique story. It gives a sense of growth,and what it means too loose everything. It takes a different take on a coming-to-age film, that adds a sense of growth. It has good enough acting, and an alright plot. It gives good character development and enough time to grow and care for the story.

Beautifully shot, elegantly written, and packed with genuine wisdom, "Wish I Was Here" is a winner across the board. I respect that Braff doesn't feel the need to try to squeeze out a film a year. He waited until he had something new to say, and the wait was more than worth it. I suspect this will not only be a major sale here at the festival, but that it will also get a major release later this year, and I urge you to see the film as soon as possible when it does.

It's simple movie, it's not oo much. it has drama and joke. it has everything. it's a very easy family movie, don't expected too much. because it;s not the too much movie. just enjoy it and you will love it. love Zach Braff

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