Saturday, October 18, 2014

Dracula Untold - Review (2014)

I've watched this movie with an open mind, intending not to look into the historical facts and just enjoy a good CGI-packed film, that tells the story of my country's most famous ancestor. But I couldn't, I just could. They've went on to use actual names for people and places, that some may think some things are actually true. Absolutely nothing from this movie has to do with reality

Overall, it's an okay movie but failed to live up its potential. Has a few eye candy scenes from Luke Evans, good special effects,good cast but the plot seems rushed and scattered... I didn't care much about historical facts since the dawn of film there's not even 1 vampire movie completely faithful either to history or to literature.

I also think that this movie leaves out too much of the horror aspect, the very aspect from which the Dracula story gained it's fame. There's literally no scary scene and no horrifying imagery to do the horror legacy some justice. This enables the movie to gain a PG-13 rating and reach a wider audience, yet it also quite disappoints the older fans of the Dracula story and the fans of vampire stories in general, especially those who are disenfranchised by the 'de-horroring' of vampires in recent years' teen movies. It's quite unfortunate for me because this movie has so much room for horror aspect. Instead it kind of slowed down the horror tendencies, making the vampire bites a lot less scary with less blood drips or scarier biting moves.

The action side doesn't really help to fill what the omitted horror side lacks. First I have to admit that yes, the action side uses the visual effects on the crowded war scenes very well, and it uses the close ups camera nicely on the close up fights. But the aim at PG-13 rating and this movie being the director Gary Shore's first feature film work left this movie with less impressive action moves.

Pay particular attention to the sense of time in this movie as it is quite hysterical. Halfway through the movie the director just gives up and suddenly people magically scale mountains in a matter of seconds. Also prepare to be upset if you happen to know anything about vampire lore, it pretty much all gets thrown out the window. 

My score : 5/10
IMDB : 6.1/10
Rotten Tomatoes : 24/100
Metacritics : 40%

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