Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

SO I watched this move yesterday after I read ton of good reviews of this movie and I'm curious. And OMG this is is really good movie. This movie is very strong, this movie sets a news standard for summer blockbuster. Very amazing movie, one of my top 5 movies of this year so far. i really like it..

The CGI is awesome, the story and plot is amazing. AND the combinations of the amazing acting by the actors. Andy Serkis is just spectacular as Caesar. He has this atmosphere about him. He deserves Oscar tho. The way he brings Cesar to life is amazing. So, excited to see the future career of this man. and Jason Clarke, I'd prefer Franco. But he is amazing in this movie, he give the character something.

I love the movie that makes me smile and cry and jump from one emotion to the others. and DPA is one of them. Seeing the trailer and if you saw the funny side it would be a fail movie (seriously monkeys ride horses, sign language between monkey). But the story and the acting really give the movie different meaning. I feel the emotions of Cesar and his "people" even thought in the end it was a movie about very smart apes. But this movie keeps you on the edge of your seat for the whole 2 hours 10 minutes. which is perfect durations for me. Not too long and not too short. Too bad we don't get to see humans in this movie. But hey, The Gary Oldman is in this movie.

And I would say this is th best movie of the Apes franchise. and I really like this movie. I thought this movie was overrated. But after I watched it I was wrong. This is amazing blockbuster buster next to Captain America : The Winter Soldier and X-Men. SO yeah you should watch this movie :)

9.2/10 (psssttt I really like it and Serkis is the best thing in the movie )

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