Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Rover (2014)

I'm curious about this movie, this movie was one of the movie that got good reviews and buzz, maybe because the former Edward Cullen was here. I was Twilight fam, eventhought O'm more Kristen Stewart fan. But i;m curious about those big franchise actors after the franchise is over. Daniel Radcliffe did great, Emma Watson is more on working to get critical acclaims, and Ruper Grint he was on Ed Sheeran video clip lol. Keira did an amazing job, Orlando is being Orlando, etc, etc. And now I'm on the watch of Twilight former stars.

So Cannes this year, this movie was made last year, with David Michod directed it (Animal Kingdom) and Guy Pearce (Brad Pitt's look alike with very underrated reviews. Trust me Mr Pearce is amazing actor). Reading the synopsis it feels like Mad Max, the after apocalypse movie based on the dessert on Australia, and the newest Mad Max will release next year.

The story is about the guy who lose everything he once loved, and the only thing he has is his car, and when someone stole it he met the robber. It's very intense story. I can't stand the violence in this movie. It's not my cup of tea, I love drama, but it's too dramatic. my father loves this movie.

By dramatic I don't mean over dramatic. David Michod is very brave to tell this story but IMO there is very little dialogue and I don;t like it. I;m the queen of quoting movies.  Like I said before too many violence, and I think it's unnecessary. This movie has great character (Eric and Rey) it's about their journey, I wish they will stay to it. I love the building characters of Eric and Rey. And how the relationship grow into something. first they are enemy and then they before this awkward partner. The story it self is interesting, not as good as Animal Kingdom but definitely worth watching

Do I like the movie? not really. But it's not my cup of tea. I like the characters more. This movie has good scenery. The story is interesting if you like western post apocalypse movie you should watch this movie.

My rating : 7/10
IMDB : 6.7/10
Metacritics : 64/10
Rottentomatoes : 66%

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