Monday, September 8, 2014

Sin City : A Dame To Kill For (2014)

First, I don't like a movie with too much violence. I still dont get it why the hell I chose this movie. I could'nt stand 300 and the first Sin City, so yeah when I watched this I bolted and then back again, stupid me I guess. LOL

A Dame to Kill For is the same type of movie as the first, but it is not executed quite as well. It may just be be cause the style lost some of its original appeal, but I thought it didn't live up to its predecessor. With that said, I still thought A Dame to Kill For was a great time at the movies. Everything about it was solid. It continued the action from the first and did not fail to keep me at the edge of my seat. And, Marv was his normal, b.a. self.

The film is a mess.  It felt like I was in a video game and not watching a movie. It was very comical throughout because of what was a highly caricatured and parodied story on the more dramatic tales and themes we either take for granted or look for in a movie. You will get laughs throughout, no doubt in, part due to the sheer ridiculousness of the plot. I highly recommend seeing it in 3-D. It is intoxicating in terms of the effects, and worth seeing if for this alone. The 3D effect is its redeeming feature, and all, if not the only reason to go and see it. The story is very "video game," comic-book like. The cast is phenomenal! But really, only see it if you see it in 3-D.

The beginning of the movie is just great and captivating with Marv. The Johnny part, in my opinion was the peak of the movie. Joseph Gordon Levit does a great job playing a character thats entirely new, and the whole story has a good pace. Altho they probably should have left out the part where Johhny is a Rourke as it seems to have served zero purpose, outside of punctuating the fact that the senator just doesn't give a fck. The Nancy revenge part is just stupid. The only purpose it serves is to give a "happy" ending to the storyline that was in the previous movie, and by doing so it actually violates the whole atmosphere of Sin City.

This movie has a really really good cast. But then again Frank Miller is not my cup of tea. I give a very negative review. but if you like Frank Miller's other works. You might like it. So enjoy

My score : 6/10
IMDB : 7.1/10
Rotten tomatoes : 45%
Metacritics : 45%

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