Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Wedding Ringer (2015)

My Thoughts: From the moment I saw the trailer I knew I wanted to see this movie. Though I will admit I was a little worried. Kevin Hart has been pumping out movies like crazy and sadly not all of them have been good or all that funny. Sometimes he seems to focus to much on height jokes and it gets overused.

But that is not the case in The Wedding Ringer, yes there are a few height jokes in there but only a few and then we move onto other jokes and gimmicks. I was also worried because I was not the first one of my friends to screen this movie and all I kept hearing was how great this movie was, how funny it is, and that they couldn't stop laughing. .

Kevin Hart is Kevin Hart in this movie. And frankly, that's exactly who we want him to be. He's an intelligent, talented man who seems pretty grounded in real life. And let's give him credit as the hottest crossover comedian around. I went to an afternoon matinée and every patron in the theater was White. I have to admit that at some point I would like to see Kevin Hart do a straight dramatic role. It's clear he could handle it.

Jokes come on an average of 1 joke every minute. Not all the jokes may be innovative but nonetheless, will tap into your sense of humour. They range from weird looking people to awkward situations(the most apparent) to religion and hilarious acting. In fact, the concept of hiring a best man is pretty much a joke on its own. Humour wise, this movie has passed. but then again there are tons of other comedies out there so the only way to put itself ahead is by introducing innovative jokes. This wasn't so apparent here.

Wedding Ringer is not very original, but I had a lot of fun for the film. With the diverse comedy, the relatable character, and the good chemistry it has a lot of elements that will keep you entertained. Despite how predictable it is, I feel most will enjoy the film for what it is, especially those looking for a break from the mass produced milieu that the comedy genre has become.

33%·Rotten Tomatoes

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