Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cake (2014)

I was completely engrossed by Jennifer Aniston's performance. Like many I am a huge fan of friends and Aniston is barely recognisable in comparison. The story is gritty and compelling. In spite of Claire's character not being very nice you can't help but like her, even before you find out about the tragedy she has suffered.

Heard a lot about Jennifer Aniston's performance before I watched the movie and I didn't really trust on what people said. She always had the same type of roles and I honestly thought she could only be funny. I couldn't be so wrong. This is definitely the best role she has played. In every moment she was feeling pain, she acted it so real that I felt I was feeling pain as well. The movie itself is pretty good too. I personally love movies that don't show a journey or a very specific beginning, plot and end, but just a moment in the character's life where nothing gets fixed, like portrait.

I enjoyed this film a lot, the pace is great right from the start and i found myself drawn into a whole bunch of questions about Clair and the crap she's going through. I guess the main theme here is pain and different ways of dealing with it, it's not all spelled out for you, so take it as it is. But i think it does a great job illustrating a downward spiral real intense ongoing pain can be, and how that changes a person. If you know what pain is than i think you'll enjoy this film.

The screenplay here, written by Patrick Tobin is free of gimmicks and emotional trickery. He's written a story that has a nice flow. It doesn't feel gummed up, but is thin enough to let the characters breathe. You feel the flow of real life in these characters, and even if the dialogue gets a little too poetic, you don't mind because you become invested in Claire's journey. If the movie has a weakness, it might be that it wears out its welcome at the end. The last half hour probably could have been shorter and a little bit cleaner, and there's a minor subplot involving a teenage hitchhiker that feels a little tacked on.

49/100 -Metacritics 
49% - Rotten tomatoes
7.5/10- verdict

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