Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Interview (2014)

The recent political controversy regarding this film will be the only thing to keep it relevant a year from now. The interview spits Katy Perry references, in fact references to a song of hers that was charting back in 2010. It throws a bunch of Lord of the Rings references. "Haters gonna hate" is an actual line in this movie! I have not heard that meme in years. This movie already feels irrelevant at the time of its release.

This movie is rather easy to sum up, because there have been any untold number of movies like it the past decade. Sure, the plot may be about killing a Korean dictator, but with these types of movies, the plot never really even matters. The whole point of this movie is to get cheap laughs with boners, toilet humor, sex jokes, drugs, and slap stick. This is YET ANOTHER movie where grown men depicted as regular American guys parade around acting like the sorriest most stupid a-holes on the face of the planet.

I really wanted to hate The Interview but I must admit, it's got its moments of hilarity. By all accounts, this movie probably should never have been green lit. While Kim Jun Un is the face of evil these days, writing and producing an over the top farce about assassinating a sitting dictator is still a terrible idea however you look at it. Seth Rogan plays the straight man in The Interview and he is, indeed, pretty good at this brand of base humor. James Franco, on the other hand, tends to overact, but then again, his entire life has been one big over-act. Perhaps some other comedic actor would have actually been a better choice than Franco - a smarmy Bill Murray or what about quirky Owen Wilson or Steve Carrell - I'm sure they were all busy and passed - ultimately the wisest choice.

On the downside though, it's not as subversive as it should have been and Seth Rogen still has yet to understand that watching people have a wild party isn't funny. Plus, while the digs at North Korea come thick and fast, there's nothing like the closing speech from 'The Dictator' to really kick them in the teeth. And when things escalate in the final third, it's not because of a death camp or a human rights violation, but because of a grapefruit.

It's kinda amusing, but just blehh. the propaganda behind this was just idk. so yeahhh

52%-Rotten Tomatoes
5/10-my verdict

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