Monday, September 28, 2015

The Transporter Refueled (2015)

Is it a reboot or a sequel, who knows, the film never gives you any reason to care either way, what a piece of garbage. I quite liked the earlier Transporter films, I think the main attraction there though was the pure awesome that is Jason Statham, no such presence here. If your going to try replace Jason Statham you better go out and find the biggest badass you can find, not this guy. Ed Skrein is pretty terrible in this, I don't even think he's that bad of an actor, he's just too much of a pretty boy, he does his best to look and act tough and that's exactly how it comes off, as acting. He looks like he's trying for his best Jason Statham impersonation and it's a big fail.

While Jason Statham might not possess incredible acting, he's a great fit for Transporter. He looks suave and confident, more importantly he looks capable in action sequences. Ed Skrein only amounts to carbon copy lookalike with accent.

Considering it's now stuck with poorly edited choreography for the scuffle, there's barely a trail of usual high octane ride. However, the worst offender is the awful script, bordering on cheap fantasy or softcore porn, the fact that it quotes The Three Musketeers so often is a literature travesty.

A group of prostitutes concocts a ridiculously intricate plan to topple their mafia boss. The Transporter is caught up in the struggle and forced to help them. Story relies on blind luck, coincidences, characters' stupidity and baseless arbitrary events. In other words, it's a complete and utter mess. Forget coherency or plausibility, the movie plays by its own faulty logic.

The actual story is about immoral females taking revenge on immoral men. This feminist diatribe is little more than a vehicle to show endless and pointless violence, cardboard characters, and a plot outline that is absurd. A group of prostitutes have amassed enough money to develop a sting operation against their pimps. The females employ needless and draconian levels of deceit to get the "transporter" to drive them around town by kidnapping his father. It gets worse.

This movie has nothing to do with the premise of the original series: a moral man transports a package and overcomes criminals and obstacles while remaining true to his "rules of conduct". In this farce he breaks all his rules, becomes more criminal than good, and beats up numerous innocent people. The prostitutes have somehow developed the skills of the best CIA agents and use lies and disguises to partake in their revenge. The director doesn't have the guts to make the characters real and seriously backtracks their unnecessary evilness to a level of childlike innocence. If you love mindless violence with no moral code go see this movie.

4.9/10 IMDb
16% Rotten Tomatoes
32% Metacritic
5/10 Verdict

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