Monday, July 6, 2015

While We're Young (2015)

The story of a middle aged couple bored with life and each other trying to justify the fact that they don't have kids with the cliché fantasy of being able to fly off to Europe at a moments notice which of course they never do. They encounter a much younger couple who seems to embody everything that is precious, pure and unspoiled about youth. This is exaggerated by the fact that ironically despite the face that they were raised in the age of social media somehow they are completely unaffected by texted, emailing, googling and facebook.

Start with the successful New York couple, a documentary filmmaker Josh (played by Ben Stiller) and documentary producer Cornelia (played by Naomi Watts). They have spent a great deal of time on their projects, though their circle of friends has started to have children, cutting off their time allocated for fun. Josh would like to have a child though Cornelia has suffered two miscarriages and is a fried to try again, feeling that in her mid- forties, it's too late.

Josh teaches a continuing education class and meet up with a young, twenty-something couple, aspiring filmmaker Jamie (played by Adam Driver) and free spirit Darby (played by Amanda Seyfried). The three talk about film and current hipster living which later becomes dinner for four. Josh and Cornelia take a liking to the young couple and their bohemian ways of living, resulting in constantly hanging out with each other. Josh is looking for the best way to complete his documentary to receive the approval of Cornelia's father, a famous documentarian Leslie Breitbart (played by Charles Grodin), but starts to feel jealous when Jaime starts working on a documentary that might be quicker to earning phrase.

I did like the movie as it explored cultural differences between grown ups and the young, and I like how the movie fairly explores the idea that each generation had a different perceptive and a different way of doing things , that's not wrong but just a sign of changing times. Sometimes, however I did feel the filmmakers personal view of the world, which I can relate to, beating me over the head.

The fight between the old and young is eternal. This movie is certainly is a testament to the millennial generation and its evolving morality which is so alien to the generation just prior to it. "While We're Young" doesn't argue which lifestyle is better, whether millennials are simply impressionable and giddy with all the mediums to exercise their creativity, or if the baby boomer generation is really too concerned with personal self-worth based on occupation. We are given enough slack as audience members to make those kind of conclusions ourselves.

While We're Young reminds me a lot of Woody Allen's movies. With the background, the witty dialogue, and the struggling couple.  loved the lead performances, especially their ability to balance the comedic relief with the hardcore realistic dramatic elements. I think the film has a lot of good things to say about getting older and letting everything else get in the way of your dreams. I also love the whole added element of technology and uncertain future feel to it. I really enjoy this humble film. like it.

84%·Rotten Tomatoes
8/10 - verdict

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