Monday, July 6, 2015

Minions (2015)

The story is about the origins of the Minions, the little, yellow creatures have always attached themselves to the most ambitious, powerful super villain with one mission - serve them with all their might. But when the masters are killed, the Minions find themselves without a purpose and thus go into a self-imposed exile. After years, the Minions finally return and in the 60's attends a super villain conference where they hope to find a new master - and the first female super villain Scarlett Overkill seems to be the obvious choice.

Who the hell doesn't love those little yellow one eye or two eye minions. They made Despicable Me one and two watchable and stole the show for us. Minions have become a fan favorite and everybody couldn't get enough of them and now they got they very own stand alone movie starring them of course. I was looking forward to this movie, I mean the trailers looked funny and yes the real reason is for Minions. I thought a full feature movie starring them would be a blast to watch as in the Despicable Me movies they are good with they slap stick humor. Now after seeing the movie I'm a bit disappointed of what we got.

The beginning of the film is rather brilliant, joke after joke after joke. And they managed to pull a Kubrick's 2001 and show the evolution of Minions, only a hundred and fifty times faster. But the story is thin. Perhaps because it's a prequel and we know where this is going. No surprises there. And it turns the story into a history lesson of the origins of the Minions, which cleverly goes with the history lesson of London's swinging 60's.

Sandra Bullock as the villain of the movie was decent enough, but nothing really special, the character and her motivations were fine, I just felt that her personality wasn't as exciting and playful as the trailers told us.  It wasn't terrible or anything amazing, it was on the level of okay. Sandra Bullock is a great actress and even when she's in a bad or okay movie she normally dose a great job in the movie and here she did the best she could and I give her that. Not one of her best but it's decent enough to let it pass. This is a good movie for kids and for the whole family. It's cute, it's bright, colorful and enjoyable and I can see why some people may enjoy it.

On a whole, there is no complex storyline or any moral values or emotional drama. It is just a slapstick humour which is strictly for the franchise lovers. You can take your little kids and they will enjoy it but can't say the same for you.

75%·Rotten Tomatoes
63% Metacritics
6.5/10- verdict

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